A Big Fat Rant, I’m Sorry Everyone

I have to get this off my chest before I explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had my second interview today and it was meant to be easier than the one before. I fucking wish! Massive apologies go out to all, I’m going to have the rant of the century.

1. Why the hell didn’t I get the nice, quirky interviewers from yesterday?! They were nice awesome people who completely and utterly understood me and the way my brain works, the interviewers who praised me for being ‘fascinating’ and ‘abstract’.

2. How is it relevant to ask if the Nazi’s were the ‘elephant in the room’? I know this is Oxford but fucking hell, please! Even if I knew what was meant by an elephant in the room, I still wouldn’t know how to answer your godforsaken question!!!

3. Why on earth do they make us interviewees sit on a sofa whilst we’re being interviewed? Its so bloody comfortable you can’t think!!

4. I knew this was going to go wrong at some point, and today was it. I am literally kicking myself, because I was frightened as hell and they knew it. One of the guys was like a rottweiler with a bone, tearing away at me until I wanted to cry

5. Not once in these last 2 days of interviews have I been asked the questions I was told to expect. So all of that preparation done on why I wanted to study history, why I wanted to go to LMH and why I wanted to go to Oxford in the first place was pointless. My interviews at this college are over now, so I’ve gone and wasted all of my time revising for something I didn’t need! Grrrrrrrrrrrr

6. My bloody radiator still isn’t working, after being here for 2 days in the freezing cold up here with a draughty window right by my desk, where I spend most of my time. So instead of a radiator, I have an electric heater plugged into the wall that smells like gas and looks so rickety it probably isn’t that far away from setting the room alight.

Worst mood ever, its so annoying. And after having the best day ever yesterday. I know after that pathetic excuse of an interview that they probably won’t offer me a place. And that makes me hate myself more than you could possibly imagine, as well as hating those who will undoubtedly make the decision.

Need to go find a cup of tea and some chocolate before I combust, I hate today


Greetings from a land far far away

Greetings from a land far far away, and by that I mean Oxford. Never thought I’d find a place so full of geeks, and people more antisocial than I am! To be honest, I don’t think I’m liked all that much for being a commoner, but I don’t care. I made it here and that’s all that matters. No one was expecting me to get an interview, but I did. So you posh lar-de-dah cretins, stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Have met some lovely people today though, one guy I started talking to because his mum introduced us, how cute. He’s a northerner, so like me has the whole accent issue, and like me he’s the only person applying from his school, which is also a comprehensive. So Jack is officially in my good books, with our little group of Classicists/Historians who broke away from the clique to spin on spinny chairs and chat about how we got to this stage of applying to Oxford, and our travel stories.

Am now sitting in my drafty room (drafty albeit awesome room) at the lovely old desk in a spinny chair writing this blog post. I actually fancied being social but everyone’s disappeared, and I haven’t really gelled with my corridor neighbours. So tempted to yell at them ‘iz it coz I iz common yea?’ just to see their reactions. Well stuff them, they can have their own little clique, and I shall bugger right off. I’m not that bothered by their childish games. Its more of a testament that I’ve made it this far than it is for them. No one was expecting this of me, so have that!

Found out from the meeting our group had with the history tutors who would be interviewing us over the next few days that there were around 30 of us and only 8 places at this college for next year! I’m praying I’m one of them, this college is amazing. From the minute I got into the taxi at the station in Oxford, I loved the city. From the moment I got out of the taxi, I loved LMH. I just hope that LMH loves me.

First interview is tomorrow at 11:10am, got to be down for breakfast at 7:30 though, register at 8:30, pick up the article I need to read at 9 and analyse for the interview at 9:10 before the actual interview.

Uh oh, kill me now or wish me luck, whichever one you think I’ll need most
