Influx of Christmas Songs (WOO), Oxford Interview next week, Christmas Countdown and that curious case where I now look like a Blackforest Gateau

For the past week, I have become overly attached to the radio, especially when I’ve been sitting on my bum revising, doing homework or wrapping presents. And now December has rolled around, the chorus of epic Christmas tunes has graced my ears and I feel happy 🙂 Christmas is one of my favourite times of year by far, because there’s food, alcohol, presents and time off school. Oh, and the potential for snow 😀 Damn to all the scrooges out there who hate this time of year.

Cannot wait for the big day, seriously. I am such a big child when it comes to Christmas. No matter how old I get, I will wake everyone in my house up at 4am to open presents. Its just me, the excitable hyper child who loves Christmas. Expected sight of me on Christmas Day, bouncing around in a Christmas hat, dopey from too much wine and singing the Pogues ‘Christmas in the Drunk Tank’ as loud as I can get it. Life does not get cooler. Christmas has got so much better since I am not dragged kicking and screaming to my dad’s to make small talk and pretend I like my stepmum. Tedious for the soul.

13 days till we break up from school for the holidays, yay, and 22 days until Christmas day 🙂 roll on Christmas I say.

I finished my NaNoWriMo writing challenge. ‎93 pages, 50,013 words, 270,572 characters, 1,106 paragraphs or alternatively 3,487 lines. So damn pleased with myself, especially given in the last week I really couldn’t be asked to write.

Have been on a supergeek trip today, wanting to be super organised and get all the homework done that I needed to do. So 3 english essays, some english research and history homework = feeling amazing having finished. Got so bored with no work to do that I did my sister’s homework too, so a Holocaust memorial statue and a mini essay done, and now I thought I’d turn to blogging to fill another hole of my time. See how finishing NaNoWriMo has left me with nothing to do? I used to use writing to fill my time, but the challenge is over.

But a new challenge is starting 😀 After many agonising months of contemplating deciding on whether I should apply to Oxford or not, and being told by some to go for it, some to forget it and some to make up my own damn mind. I am glad that I went with my gut and applied, with some good advice to aid me, because I now have an interview there to study History 😀 I am so happy that I have, and although I’m nervous, I know the experience is going to be amazing, and even if I don’t get in, I will be proud of myself for trying and getting as far as I did.

So next week will be filled with me setting off for Oxford on Tuesday afternoon, returning on Friday or Saturday afternoon. Whoa I’m there for a long time, this is going to be intense.

So to fit in with Oxford’s idea of being traditional and looking professional, I made the decision to dye my hair back to brown from red. I wish it worked tbh, because now I’m in the middle ground between red and brown. I look like a damn blackforest gateau. Damn you schwartzkopf or however it is you spell the name of your godforsaken brand.

Fingers crossed


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