Amy’s Amazing Birthday Week, Damn Thumbs and Nan’s Home From Hospital

Its been a really positive week for me in parts, despite people I care about swanning off to university and leaving me here jealous of the fact I can’t go yet πŸ˜› its also had its negative parts, but the positive parts surely outweigh the downsides.

This week has been Amy’s birthday week and its been such an awesome one. Since her birthday on Wednesday we’ve had scoffing penis cake (oh yes, Catherine’s dirty minded bakery was genius), fairy cakes, going to Prezzo’s for a meal and funny times with all the guys and girls back at Amy’s with alcohol, the pervert and the Wii πŸ™‚ Brilliant times, I just wish I’d drank more than 2 drinks lol πŸ˜›

My thumbs have been really playing up these past 2 days, which is frustrating because I haven’t really had problems with partially dislocating my thumbs for about a year. I thought that my hypermobility had eased off a bit in that respect, but obviously not. I hate this bloody condition, its the bane of my existence and no one seems to take it seriously that I’m in constant pain. Its become so bad at the moment that simply trying to grip something, even lightly, makes it hurt all over again 😦

And I’m getting a cold, which sucks. But hopefully it doesn’t get too much worse, otherwise I shall end up really grumpy and snapping at people, which I hate doing because I hate feeling like a bitch.

Nice happy news though, my nan has been allowed to go home from hospital after having her operation. She’s a bit sore but she looks really well and is keeping positive πŸ™‚ I just hope she can deal with my grandad worrying about her and treating her like a china doll.

Feeling completely unprepared for the History Aptitude Test on the 2nd November, and feel like no one actually knows what to do. Its a really scary thought that I’m pretty much out on my own and my application being successful rests on a good score in this test. I feel like there’s no one there to help me prepare for it and its starting to make me panic an extreme amount. Going to Oxford is my dream, it always has been since I was 13. Some people dream of becoming doctors or firemen, but all I’ve ever wanted to do is be able to study at Oxford. It would be a history nerds paradise to live and study in such a beautiful city with such a rich history, tons of books and thousands of similarly minded geeks.

Have an overwhelming urge to sleep due to my sister’s snoring on the sofa but have to stay awake as am at my nans and am becoming the only supervision for my sister, because everyone’s gone for a nap. Keeping fingers crossed for chinese later because I have a craving for chicken and sweetcorn soup (truly the food of the gods, especially with prawn crackers)

On the off chance that Catherine gives Mr Armsby the url for this blog on Monday and he finds this post. Hi Sir, I’m disappointed you couldn’t find it on your own. Welcome to my blog, feel free to violate my life and innermost thoughts. If you look far back enough you’ll see your nickname is Buzz Lightyear. Don’t think I need to explain why πŸ˜›


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