The end of the world as I know it, dun dun dun

I’m obviously being overdramatic lol. Simple thing but kind of annoying (and painful). The painkillers that I am on for my hypermobile joints have ran out and my stupid doctors are procrastinating with my repeat prescription. Its been days and it still hasn’t reached the chemists. Gah! My joints are killing me at the moment, having to rely on normal painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen really isn’t working :/

But, I have discovered a little golden tip for all those hypermobility sufferers out there on fairly strong painkillers that don’t seem to work, try glucosamine supplements. I’ve been taking the RDA of glucosamine for about 2-3 weeks as well as my regular painkillers my doctor gave me (which hadn’t been working) but I found that the glucosamine has made my joints feel a bit stronger and has almost strengthened the pain killing properties of the diclofenac, which is a result. The only downside is the glucosamine tablets are frigging huge, even when cut in half they are a complete pest to swallow, especially for someone who struggles to swallow tablets like me. But they’ve been working, and that’s all I can ask for.

I, along with my awesome friend Amy, have invested in the miracle invention of the onesie, otherwise known as the babygrow. We got incredibly excited about the prospect of owning one and wearing one, especially after seeing Nerdz4l’s video where she is dancing in one whilst out and about. Its hilarious and I wish I had the balls to do it myself.

Enjoy people, it is pure comedy 🙂

NaNoWriMo is going well, am on 38,824 words with 7 days to go. So less than 12,000 words later and I would have done it for the second year in a row. Its getting rather taxing if I’m honest, the excitement has gone, but I will keep on writing nonetheless.

Have a lovely evening 🙂


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