Amy’s Amazing Birthday Week, Damn Thumbs and Nan’s Home From Hospital

Its been a really positive week for me in parts, despite people I care about swanning off to university and leaving me here jealous of the fact I can’t go yet πŸ˜› its also had its negative parts, but the positive parts surely outweigh the downsides.

This week has been Amy’s birthday week and its been such an awesome one. Since her birthday on Wednesday we’ve had scoffing penis cake (oh yes, Catherine’s dirty minded bakery was genius), fairy cakes, going to Prezzo’s for a meal and funny times with all the guys and girls back at Amy’s with alcohol, the pervert and the Wii πŸ™‚ Brilliant times, I just wish I’d drank more than 2 drinks lol πŸ˜›

My thumbs have been really playing up these past 2 days, which is frustrating because I haven’t really had problems with partially dislocating my thumbs for about a year. I thought that my hypermobility had eased off a bit in that respect, but obviously not. I hate this bloody condition, its the bane of my existence and no one seems to take it seriously that I’m in constant pain. Its become so bad at the moment that simply trying to grip something, even lightly, makes it hurt all over again 😦

And I’m getting a cold, which sucks. But hopefully it doesn’t get too much worse, otherwise I shall end up really grumpy and snapping at people, which I hate doing because I hate feeling like a bitch.

Nice happy news though, my nan has been allowed to go home from hospital after having her operation. She’s a bit sore but she looks really well and is keeping positive πŸ™‚ I just hope she can deal with my grandad worrying about her and treating her like a china doll.

Feeling completely unprepared for the History Aptitude Test on the 2nd November, and feel like no one actually knows what to do. Its a really scary thought that I’m pretty much out on my own and my application being successful rests on a good score in this test. I feel like there’s no one there to help me prepare for it and its starting to make me panic an extreme amount. Going to Oxford is my dream, it always has been since I was 13. Some people dream of becoming doctors or firemen, but all I’ve ever wanted to do is be able to study at Oxford. It would be a history nerds paradise to live and study in such a beautiful city with such a rich history, tons of books and thousands of similarly minded geeks.

Have an overwhelming urge to sleep due to my sister’s snoring on the sofa but have to stay awake as am at my nans and am becoming the only supervision for my sister, because everyone’s gone for a nap. Keeping fingers crossed for chinese later because I have a craving for chicken and sweetcorn soup (truly the food of the gods, especially with prawn crackers)

On the off chance that Catherine gives Mr Armsby the url for this blog on Monday and he finds this post. Hi Sir, I’m disappointed you couldn’t find it on your own. Welcome to my blog, feel free to violate my life and innermost thoughts. If you look far back enough you’ll see your nickname is Buzz Lightyear. Don’t think I need to explain why πŸ˜›


Being told I temporarily don’t have a job, feeling super lazy, coming down with a cold and NaNoWriMo 2011 :D

Title’s pretty self explanatory I guess.

I was told that I temporarily don’t have a job as my manager (my mum’s friend who got me the job) is off sick indefinitely. So employment shall have to wait until she’s back. I am very worried about her though and hope she gets better soon (for selfish as well as unselfish reasons). Get well soon Cheryl, love you lots ❀

I have been very lazy for this past week, all I’ve wanted to do is curl up in a ball and go to sleep. Have usually resisted until bed time, apart from Friday where I almost fell asleep in history (but almost the entire class did so I cannot be held accountable for that). So today I have surrendered to my laziness and am in bed. I did plan on not getting up till lunchtime but my mum scuppered my plans by waking me up at half 9 in the morning to help clean out our rabbits. I’m now back in bed, yay.

I am really looking forward to the next 2 months or so, it has to be said, despite the fact they will be extremely hectic, busy and possibly stressful.

  • Meal with the EFYCers on Tuesday to say goodbye to our councillors who are stepping down. Going to miss them all as they take on new challenges. They’ll no longer be around to brighten our meetings, chat to me in the taxi and have funny inside jokes with 😦 But I wish them the best of luck at uni πŸ˜€
  • Meal with my friends on Friday to wish Amy a very happy happy 19th birthday πŸ˜€ Staying around Amy’s afterwards with Keely for a girly night, can’t wait πŸ™‚
  • Finally finishing my personal statement and sending off my Oxford application…..scary!
  • Seminar in Canary Wharf on October 6th in preparation for my trip to Auschwitz πŸ™‚
  • Trip to Auschwitz on the 18th October πŸ™‚
  • Follow up seminar in Canary Wharf again on the 31st October
  • Starting the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge on November 1st. I did this last year and it was really rewarding. Essentially you write a 50,000 novel in 30 days πŸ™‚ Sounds impossible but it actually is doable πŸ™‚
  • Oxford History Aptitude Test on November 2nd – Have mixed feelings about this if I’m honest. Part of me cannot wait to prepare for what I’m sure will be the biggest academic challenge of my life that will push my brain to the limits, part of me is absolutely scared of failure. I can’t really ‘fail’ the exam per se, but the bottom 20% are automatically deselected. I also need to really shine in this exam because I have a lot of things playing against me in my bid to study at Oxford. So, in short, I cannot fuck this one up.

Too much stuff, probably not enough time. But I’ll face it head on πŸ˜€


Feeling Happy Happy Happy

Yes I realise I’m a complete douche for neglecting my blog and not posting in days, I have been a mixture of busy and under the weather.

Upside, I have lots of stuff to be happy about, and I shall share these with you today:

  • Oxbridge application – As far as I know (and do correct me if I’m wrong, I only know what I’ve been told), I’m the only student from our year applying. I feel like I’ve had a new lease of life since I was told to apply on Wednesday. I feel exhilirated and energised now that people are supporting me and believing in me. Even if I don’t get there, I’m sure attempting the journey will be enjoyable.
  • Personal statement – Today I’ve been told that my personal statement is near completion on its 4th draft, just a few things to sort out, and whatever the Oxbridge coordinator suggests I add. Once that’s done, I can start on preparation for the History Aptitude Test, which is on November 2nd, so not too far away. That part scares me the most, but I’ve been promised help to prepare for it because its such a confusing exam and relies on your skills rather than your knowledge.
  • I have a job. The pay’s not going to be too amazing, and a 10 hour shift on a Saturday certainly will suck, but I’m in desperate need of a job and money so I will not be complaining.
  • Its 4 weeks and 6 days until I go to Poland to visit Auschwitz, which I’m really looking forward to πŸ™‚
  • There is music to sing and dance to, and my IPod is cooperating with me so I’m in a splendidly chipper mood.
  • I have the chance to help other people with their personal statements, which I will embrace because I love to help people πŸ™‚
  • People have faith in my capabilities and believe in me, which makes my mood even better.

I just have so many things to be happy for and so many lovely things to look forward to πŸ™‚

Fingers and everything crossed for my nan, who will be having her surgery in the next few weeks to sort out her breast cancer. And to my beautiful Auntie Justine, I love you lots and hope you keep strong. It makes me sad to think that the people I love are suffering, but hope is in my every heartbeat that they face their illnesses head on and never give up πŸ™‚ ❀

In honour of my nan and Auntie Justine’s bravery, I plan on getting a tattoo of the pink breast cancer ribbon as a reminder of the ordeal they suffer and for the realisation that it may happen to anyone.


Back To School Again

Almost feels like an outbreak of the Beatle’s Maxwell’s Silver Hammer (sorry if the song lyrics escape you and/or you have no idea what I’m talking about). But yes, today has been an odd sort of day.

Being my first day back at sixth form, I was kind of excited to see everyone again and catch up but kind of apprehensive about the workload and impending doom of UCAS, exams and becoming a severe workaholic to the point of my short life coming to an end.

Managed to annoy my form tutor, get annoyed at my form tutor and have a decent conversation with a teacher I was convinced I hated but actually I now have a lot of respect for for being the only teacher who will give me a straight answer to a question. Seriously, spent almost the entirety of my day weighing up the pros and cons of applying to Oxford. I was told not to bother, but apparently my AS results makes it slightly different. I wanted to know whether it was worth applying, did I stand a chance? All I got was ‘its your choice/decision’. I cannot respond to that, I need to know if its worth it, and it seems only Mr Taylor could give me an answer that wasn’t ‘you decide’. So with his help, I have. Whether I get there or not, at least I won’t live in regret wondering what if I did get in (and I agree wholeheartedly with Mr Cleland’s assessment of that from today lol).

Useless sort of day really, only had one lesson, which was history, and two frees. Had to wait around for Keely because she had lessons when I had frees. Ah well, can’t go home without my designated driver. Jesus Christ I need to hurry up and pass my test before I die or get too old to get behind the wheel. Slight dramatisation, but I really do suck an incredible amount.

I also wish thatΒ  people would learn manners and learn not to get angry at people who have done nothing wrong. Just something to consider (Most people who have spoken to me today will realise who this is aimed at)


I Passed My Theory, I Suck At Driving, My Sister’s A Pisshead & School In 4 Days!

I had my theory test on the 30th August, and passed, just about. Pass mark was 43 for the multiple choice and I got 45, and for the hazard perception the pass mark was 44 and I got 45. But I scraped a pass and that’s all that matters πŸ™‚

I also suck at driving whilst almost hitting a man on a lawnmower and tearing round a corner too fast and in the wrong gear, getting a nice lecture for my troubles. Its going to be a long time before I pass even though I’ve had something like 23 lessons since April :S

But, congratulations to my awesome friend Keely for passing her driving test πŸ™‚ now we don’t have to get up so early to catch the bus anymore, yay! πŸ˜€

Back to school in 4 days, kind of mixed feelings about that I guess. In a way I’m bored of being at home and having nothing to do but in another way I don’t want the workload and the mounting pressure of A2’s and university applications to sort out. But it has to be done I guess.

Had my last day of volunteering at the museum on Wednesday, and I am really going to miss it. But Cath and Carly who were like my mentors/bosses during the time that I worked there, gave me a card whenΒ I left and an amazon voucher which was really nice of them. Am really going to miss my history chats with Cath, my reminiscing with Carly as we had some of the same teachers when she went to KHS and Mel making the best cups of tea ever πŸ˜€ I will definitely be going back there next summer to do more volunteering as I had such an awesome time and met so many wonderful people.

Last night we went to a birthday party and my sister being idiotic drank too much and ended up vomiting all over MY car. I was not happy believe you me. And I was less happy when she kept me awake by vomiting in the bathroom all night long (and the bathroom happens to be right next to my bedroom). I don’t think she’ll be drinking again for a while.
