Turning The Day Around

Well, to all extents and purposes my day yesterday ended crappily and this morning wasn’t that much better. But by lunchtime, things were really looking up and I think, touch wood, that things are returning to normal.

Despite waking up with a migraine and generally feeling terrible after last nights festivities, I’ve patched things up with the people involved and got rid of my headache (after the world’s most epic power nap and a huge lunch). Chocolate ice cream became the eternal pick me up, although after 2 big bowls of it, I really did feel sick, but it was so worth it.

Have spent the entirety of my day sitting in bed watching House Season 7, and admittedly, I’ve been awwwwwing at it, getting emotional and I’ll admit that I shed a tear when Cuddy dumped House and he went back on drugs. And I have shopping to look forward to tomorrow where my mum plans on spoiling me a bit for being awesome. Life is better. 🙂


Migraine Day and Moods

Been in a bad mood for the last 12 odd hours, to the degree where I’ve had a short temper and recurring bouts of severe emotional issues. What began last night as a getting emotional and crying over sad songs, to arguing with a friend, to arguing with Leo about things. Went to bed in a mood, woke up with a migraine. Happy days.

Shopping’s been delayed till tomorrow, so I have another day of sitting in bed doing nothing. Adding feeling sorry for myself, emotional issues and a migraine and I’m not in the best of moods. So I’m slobbed out in bed in my pajamas with nurofen coarsing through my system whilst watching House and trying to deal with a very moody friend who I’ve spent the morning patching things up with.

Oh, and something hilarious, Leo’s trying to be a psychologist and reckons that I have mental issues. He reckons I have Inverted Narcissism, which is basically being a clinically mental doormat who people walk all over. Great, I have enough issues of my own without him labelling me as mentally unstable or deficient.

So I’m in a mood and need retail therapy. Roll on tomorrow I say


Contemplating investment…..

I am in deep thought as to making what will probably be the single most expensive purchase of my life on one piece of clothing.

I have fallen in love with this aviator flying style RAF jacket that I found online. My mum thinks its ugly, but I really do like it. It looks unique, has character and looks insanely warm.

Worth £230 though? If I think about it as cost per wear it might work, and it looks durable. There was a review on the website saying that this woman had owned a jacket in exactly the same style from the same company and she’s had it for 20 years. She reckons that the more you wear it and the more worn it becomes makes it look even better.

Here’s a picture:

What are your thoughts on it? Comment or tweet me at @ReggaeMusicGal with your thoughts 🙂


I’m back….did you miss me?

After like a 2 month hiatus (probably closer to 3), I have finally decided to get off my lazy arse and start blogging again.

Exam stress has pretty much vanished and all I have left is English Language on the 6th June (which I haven’t really revised for, but I vow to start…..eventually)

Not really a lot has happened over these past few months to speak off, apart from school, school and more school eating up my time and killing my social life. Sometimes I swear I should just steal a cupboard at that godforsaken place for wardrobe space and set up a bed in a classroom, that’s how much time I have become accustomed to spending there. As my Sociology teacher said ‘you know there’s a theory about how some teachers sleep at the school, does the same apply to students?’ And then there’s my history and media teachers constantly telling me to go home and get a life. Sorry to disappoint your optimistic minds, I don’t have one.

Exams have been, well, the only word I can use to describe it is meh. Exam season actually started pretty well. Russian History and Media, my first exams, actually went really well, which I was sort of expecting because I’d revised Russian History to death. There’s only so much of her own voice a girl can take, recording notes and listening back to them to make sure she remembered. Yup, I was one of the people who took Ms Hoyle’s advice. Strangely, it worked. Everything was alright up until Sociology on the 2oth. It couldn’t have gone more wrong tbh, answered at least one of the essay questions wrong, probably two. I feel a resit coming on, oh goody (sense the sarcasm)

Update though, have been learning to drive. Had 5 or 6 (can’t remember) lessons, and am not as much of a failure as I thought I would be. Except when doing roundabouts, I fail at that majorly. Almost getting hit by a speeding BMW, then a lorry, then almost ending up on the M25 is not a productive way to spend an hour. Eventually I might not suck at it, and eventually I might motivate myself to revise for my theory test, which I still haven’t booked (procrastination has been my best friend of late).

In terrible need of shopping and alcohol, getting the shopping out of the way tomorrow by heading up to Harlow and trying to spend as little money as possible whilst still reaping maximum retail therapy benefits. The alcohol may have to wait as we have none in the house and my mum is probably not feeling too receptive to buying me some due to it being exam season.

Oh how I’ve missed blogging, I feel so much better now 😀