Theory test is tomorrow, ahhhhh, new found red-headedness and celebrating the big hair

I’m currently panicking an extreme amount, its my driving theory test tomorrow and I couldn’t be more scared. I don’t like failure, by not passing my test first time round I shall feel like one. I’m especially panicking given that I took some theory test mocks last night (4 to be exact) and only passed one. Facepalm moment. So I’m not holding an extremely high hope of passing.

And in a bid to be bold, I’ve dyed my hair red. Not even a demure red, its fairly bright. But I love it. I just hope that the sixth form won’t make me dye it back to a reasonable colour.

I’m also embracing my hair being the way it is (curly, frizzy and big). I hated my hair when it was its natural colour and big. But now its red, I quite like it in its natural state of being big, curly and frizzy. It took me a while, but I’m happy with it now πŸ™‚

This weekend has been really nice with my mum. My sisters have been on holiday in Clacton so we’ve spent a lot of time together. We went shopping a few times, to the cinema, sat at home with a film drinking wine and generally having a laugh.

Busy few days ahead of me and all I want to do is sleep. This should be interesting


Visiting Durham University

So yesterday me and my mum journeyed up to Durham (4 and a half hours in the car all the way up the A1) to go on a campus tour for the university there. It’s meant to be a respected institution with a bloody good history department, so I thought I’dΒ check it out.

Tbh I didn’t learn much about the university from the campus tour but here are a few things I discovered yesterday:

1) Durham Campus Tours are essentially USELESS!

2) There is bloody nowhere to park anywhere in the godforsaken city, we thought we’d been clever in finding a space and came back to find a parking ticket. Oopsie.

3) Durham’s campus is freakishly huge, and given that there’s nowhere to park you have to bloody walk everywhere.

4) It’s so easy to get lost

5) The cobbled streets which are essentially EVERYWHERE are practically impossible to walk down wearing any sort of heeled shoe without stacking it and making an idiot of yourself.

6) When on a campus tour, you never get to actually see INSIDE the campus, you just stare at the exterior buildings and get fed useless info.

7) I cannot see myself at home in that city and that university. I don’t think it suits me.

So I don’t think I’m going to reply there, regardless of it’s super high rated history department. It’s freakishly far away and the drive is a killer believe you me.

Perhaps I should look at closer universities…..

Anyway, that part of the day was hellish, but when we got to our hotel it was lovely. Me and my mum were sat in bed in our pajamas watching Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves and laughing at Alan Rickman playing the sheriff going on about cutting out Robin Hood’s heart with a spoon. We ordered pizza, munched our way through that, started watching Harry Potter but crashed out at 9 o clock. Bliss.

The drive home was hellish, seriously. 5 hours 45 minutes, most of it spent in the car all screwed up and achy from yesterday’s activities. Thank god we stayed in that Travelodge last night.

Its good to be home πŸ˜€


Work, Ray, Catching Up, Job Prospects and KFC – nom!

Had a great day at work today when I technically shouldn’t have been there. I had arranged to go in and help out with this tea tasting workshop but they seemed to forget I was meant to be there. Well I have been gone for a while and they haven’t heard from me. Luckily, they let me stay there and help out, which was fun. I got to doss around all day making teapots out of card, colouring them in and dousing them in glitter (making a mess as I go) and trying out different types of tea. We even got to make our own tea bags with various types of chinese tea. Needless to say, I was happy to get back to my cup of Tetley tea waiting for me in the museum kitchen. Yummy, no posh chinese tea can ever compare.

I also ran into some people I know who came to the workshop, which was nice. One of them was Angela, a friend of mine from Yr11 who was in my drama class at GCSE. She came along with her siblings to join in and we had a nice chat πŸ™‚ I also bumped into my old year 5 teacher, Miss Wright. It’s strange to think that when she taught me she was pregnant with her first child and now he’s 7 years old. It made me feel old being honest lol. She didn’t recognise me and I couldn’t be asked to reveal who I was, mainly because she’s a pretty scary woman who I never particularly liked anyway. Besides, she didn’t teach me for long, mainly because she got pregnant lol.

And I also have been partially ‘adopted’ by Ray, an old man from the museum who helps out. He’s so lovely and reminds me a bit of my grandad. He asked me about my AS Level results and gave me a huge hug when I told him. So I’ve turned into his extra grandchild πŸ™‚ He’s such a sweetie.

Went to catch up with my mum’s close friend and her husband and children. Had a great little laugh and got more praise for my exam results (its becoming damaging for my ego lol). My mum’s friend Cheryl also said she may be able to get me some temporary work where she works in time for Christmas, which would be nice. She said that a Saturday job might also be on the cards as well, which is equally awesome πŸ™‚

Stopped off on the way home for KFC and am now stuffed. Life is good πŸ˜€


Results Day, Summer 2011

Well today I was expecting to go supremely badly but it was actually awesome. I have got a lot of stick from my relatives today for using the word awesome, apparently its too American. Allegedly I am becoming more American in my vocab, specially when calling Hilary Clinton a ‘dude’. I seriously need to rethink my life.

Anyway, I digress. Results Day.

Was at my friend’s last night drinking our lives away and trying to forget we were panicking about results. It worked, I think I only got 3 hours sleep and felt truly crappy when I woke up. I had a bad feeling about the day I’ve got to admit, but in a way I was buzzing. I couldn’t keep still and I had the urge to jump around and be hyper, even before I got my results. But I still had a sinking feeling. To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t sure how I felt about getting my results, I just wanted it to be over quickly.

I almost fainted when I saw the grades, and the smile wouldn’t get off my face. It’s still here now, beaming wide even though I’m slightly hungover and exhausted. I should really sleep, but for some reason I don’t want to. So I shall stay awake until I can’t any longer. I give myself until 10pm max, then I’ll be dead in my bed, snoozing.

History – A

Sociology – A

Media – A

English Language – A

General Studies – A

Woohoo πŸ˜€ Not only did it make my day/week to see the results be the results I was looking for/hoping for, but it brought some happiness to my nan, who’s had a rough week. On Tuesday she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but hearing how well I’ve done has made her really chuffed. I’m glad something has put a smile on her face during such a tough time. I love her to bits and know she’ll fight this shitty disease with all she’s got, because she’s made of tough stuff.

This week has been one of quite a few changes. Mum and her boyfriend have called it quits, my nan’s cancer diagnosis and my attempt to get out of the house more and see people whilst having time to be a loner/hermit. I believe that balancing is becoming easier. Rock on life πŸ˜€


Impending driving theory test, lots of stuff to do, results and love for my ginger ninjas :D

I am slightly panicking today whilst thinking about the stuff I have coming up. On the 30th August I have my driving theory test, which I don’t want to fail because I don’t want to pay another 31 pounds to do it again. My driving instructor said once I pass that he’ll book my practical test and it’ll be some time in November because of the waiting list. So in theory I could be a fully certified driver by Christmas πŸ™‚ I hope so, I can’t wait to drive in my little car that I bought with the fluffy pink steering wheel cover ahhh πŸ˜‰ Even my driving instructor praised my little car, which is called Beryl :p No idea why.

The next few weeks are gonna be pretty chaotic, but I love being busy. I think this is the most productive I’ve been over the summer holidays in my life, so its good. I’m usually a lazy person but I have an urge to be active and the motivation has appeared out of nowhere.

Much love to my mummy who split up with her boyfriend. You’re a lovely person who deserves a lot better. I am so proud of how strong you are πŸ™‚ ❀

Tomorrow I’m heading to my friends, which will be good because it will take my mind off results day on Thursday. I’m really nervous about it, I hope I’ve done well. If not, there’s always resits.

Love for my ginger ninjas πŸ™‚ We’ve got a new addition to our animal family, a little ginger kitten called Garfield. He’s such a cutie even though he bites and scratches quite a bit. I think he likes me because he hasn’t done it to me yet, although there’s still time.

And my other ginger ninja love came from CSI Miami, Horatio Caine. I seriously want him to be my dad lol, he’s so awesome πŸ˜€


My body’s sick of alcohol, my mood is low, I’ve annoyed my friend and I just want to go home

For the first few days and nights, I enjoyed my holiday. I’ve been here for 5 days now and I just want to go home. I can’t sustain behaving like I have for the entire week. I’ve drunk for 3 nights this week, and I mean heavily drinking. I’ve made a fool of myself and now I feel sick just thinking about alcohol.

What I really need is to go home, sleep and be a hermit for a little while. No one seems to understand that.

And today I feel almost compelled to reflect on the past. But in reflecting on the past and talking about the past, I’ve upset/pissed off my friend, which is something I really hate doing. It happens a lot, I need to think about how to stop it happening.

One year ago, I was enjoying myself, enjoying the company of someone I thought I loved, even though I knew it wouldn’t last. Just goes to show how a year can change things. You see people for who they really are, and struggle to see the new them that hurts you and pretends to care, rather than the sweet and chivalrous person you used to know.

Today, life sucks, and all I want to do is drink. I know that’s not going to help though :/


Just because you’re annoying me does not mean I’m prickly

I get really annoyed when I’m not feeling well and people intentionally try and push my buttons. This morning, people have been mocking me for reading, having a dig at me when I get things wrong and generally making me feel like shit.

I had abuse last night for wanting to stay in the caravan and have an early night rather than going out and drinking until I can’t see straight for the third night in a row. I actually had a nice night, sitting there reading my book with my ipod playing and chatting to people via bbm.

I am not that much of a social person, well I can’t do socialising in large doses. I love people but I need time to myself sometimes. I wish they would understand that


Great Yarmouth, Drunken Nights, Feeling A Bit Low, Thinking A Lot and Upcoming Thursday

So I’ve been on holiday since Saturday and have discovered that I can get a wordpress app on my blackberry! Happy days πŸ˜€

Therefore, here I am on holiday in Great Yarmouth, ready to head out for the day and posting a quick blog post from the comfort of the sofa in the caravan. The discovery of this app may be very useful for the future πŸ˜€

To sum up my holiday so far, I can use one word: ALCOHOL! My stepsister Aimee got us into malibu and we’ve been drinking that, white rum and apple sourz until we have trouble seeing. Thankfully I haven’t been hungover as of yet, two nights heavily drinking and the only thing I’m feeling is the urge to sleep. Watching Aimee and Sophie playing pool under the influence and seeing double hence aiming to pot balls that weren’t there was funny. We’ve also been followed around by annoying little children, some as young as 3. It was funny but at the same time irritating.

Have been feeling in a bit of a low mood though. Because I’m away from my everyday life, I’ve had time to consider what’s been happening in my life and reflect it. Its been good as well as bad and its brought my mood down. Realised that on Thursday it’ll have been one year since I went on my picnic with Leo. I thought I was over him and moving on, but thinking about everything that happened still hurts. So my aim is on Thuirsday to be so drunk that I can’t stand. I don’t want to be able to think that night because otherwise I will just end up sitting there and crying.

I just feel like I need to be alone sometimes and have a bit of me time. This obviously isn’t happening on this holiday because I’m with the family. Everywhere I go, someone’s following me and wanting to join me. I just want to sit around with my ipod in and my book out. Is that too much to ask? Apparently yes, they keep abusing me for reading. Bring on Saturday, I want to go home and get back to my life


A few nights with minimal sleep, a beautiful August day and shopping

I have had an awesome weekend and day today πŸ™‚

On Saturday night, Keely came over to mine for a sleepover. I haven’t laughed so much for ages, it was so much fun. Especially Keely’s cringes whilst watching Borat, playing shag marry or kill and the name game at like midnight with grins on our faces. Oh and sherbet πŸ˜€ Overall an awesome night, but with not much sleep (in typical sleepover style) and the little sleep I did get was painful, which I guess is what happens when you put a 5ft 6 human being (me) on a tiny little sofa for the night. So my joints were regretting that the next day. Oh well, c’est la vie.

Sunday was really a day spent in my pajamas watching dvd’s with Keely and my sister, it was nice to just sit around and laugh. At least it was nice until my dog decided to escape and leg it down the street, leaving me and Keely to sprint down there after her. It makes me laugh how she just stopped randomly in the middle of the road in front of a moving car. Its a wonder why she didn’t get run over tbh.

And today, oh today was pure awesomesauce, as Amy would say. Hours of me and Amy wandering around Harlow, part window-shopping, part actually shopping (I spent wayyyyy too much). Had a lovely lunch in Pizza Hut and awesome chats. We’ve had some hilarious times today, such as floss floss scratch scratch (private joke when in La Senza, remarking that some of the underwear was like ‘floss for the arse’). I was in hysterics it was so funny.Β Β Laughing at all the tiny bras was funny. ‘I can’t even fit one boob in them’, ‘Well I can’t fit half a boob in those’ πŸ˜€ And the Donald Duck knickers shall live on forever in Nathan’s facepalm look lol, an ingenious idea of Amy’s πŸ™‚ It also sticks in my memory how we were trying to make a vlog post sitting in the Water Gardens and gave up because we were getting funny looks because we were talking to a camera. Only cool kids do that Amy πŸ˜‰

Am now home and absolutely shattered, these past few nights I’ve had a lot of trouble sleeping, I don’t really know why, but time seems to be running away, I literally don’t know where it goes. Hopefully I’ll be able to have a good sleep tonight in preparation for work tomorrow.
