Back To School Again

Almost feels like an outbreak of the Beatle’s Maxwell’s Silver Hammer (sorry if the song lyrics escape you and/or you have no idea what I’m talking about). But yes, today has been an odd sort of day.

Being my first day back at sixth form, I was kind of excited to see everyone again and catch up but kind of apprehensive about the workload and impending doom of UCAS, exams and becoming a severe workaholic to the point of my short life coming to an end.

Managed to annoy my form tutor, get annoyed at my form tutor and have a decent conversation with a teacher I was convinced I hated but actually I now have a lot of respect for for being the only teacher who will give me a straight answer to a question. Seriously, spent almost the entirety of my day weighing up the pros and cons of applying to Oxford. I was told not to bother, but apparently my AS results makes it slightly different. I wanted to know whether it was worth applying, did I stand a chance? All I got was ‘its your choice/decision’. I cannot respond to that, I need to know if its worth it, and it seems only Mr Taylor could give me an answer that wasn’t ‘you decide’. So with his help, I have. Whether I get there or not, at least I won’t live in regret wondering what if I did get in (and I agree wholeheartedly with Mr Cleland’s assessment of that from today lol).

Useless sort of day really, only had one lesson, which was history, and two frees. Had to wait around for Keely because she had lessons when I had frees. Ah well, can’t go home without my designated driver. Jesus Christ I need to hurry up and pass my test before I die or get too old to get behind the wheel. Slight dramatisation, but I really do suck an incredible amount.

I also wish that  people would learn manners and learn not to get angry at people who have done nothing wrong. Just something to consider (Most people who have spoken to me today will realise who this is aimed at)
